go to echoes2@meddle.org now.
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welcome to web home of "echoes". /\ /|_\ /___|\ /__|___\ /_|___|__\ /|___|___|_\ /___|___|___|\-------|||||---||||--|---|---|||---|||||---||||-- /__|___|___|___\------|------|------|---|--|---|--|------|-------- =========/_|___|___|___|__\-----|||||--|------|||||--|---|--|||||---|||---- /|___|___|___|___|_\----|------|------|---|--|---|--|----------|-- /___|___|___|___|___|\---|||||---||||--|---|---|||---|||||--||||---- /__|___|___|___|___|___\ /_|___|___|___|___|___|__\ /|___|___|___|___|___|___|_\ /___|___|___|___|___|___|___|\ /__|___|___|___|___|___|___|___\ /_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|__\ "echoes" is a mailing list dedicated to the pursuit of all things floydian. note that it is a mailing list, not a newsgroup. being a mailing list, there are various things you'll want to know, such as: subscription and format information posting guidelines and (wait for it!) how to get off "echoes" is a discussion list, based essentially upon the exchange of text. this statment will doubtless bring other questions to the fore: "what about graphics? sound samples? lyrics?" i hear you asking. you'll note that there are loopholes in that, so looking might (from time to time) mean finding odd little things, but mostly it will be "ascii-graphics" like this... /e\ thanks to all those who have made this possible by providing software, advice, good wishes, etc. ttfn, bear.
a pink floyd page maintained by emi records. a roger page maintained by sony. another [sony] roger page (points to the same spot at last update.) a site with [sony] pix of roger. the entry page. the roio database homepage. vernon fitch's "pink floyd archives." -- very necessary. "a fleeting glimpse" -- colin's top notch source for all kinds of goodies. "taken by storm" -- storm thorgerson's exhibition now in the u.s.a. (t.b.s. original link for tour as opened in london at the john martin gallery 22sep04-09oct04, online purchases still possible.) "roger waters online" (or, "si and phil somehow keep on top of it all pinkfloyddirect -- an authorised merchandising site with various goodies. rockoptic -- a commercial site with some of storm thorgerson's original art as limited edition fine art prints. (see their animated graphic.) a site with info and artwork of p.f. cds from various countries. and of course, the homepage for harvested records.
12apr13 bear